Monday, February 13, 2006

Brendan's Valentine's Day Cards. We are sure his classmates LOVED receiving these classy "flashy foil" cards from Brendan today. Apparently, one of the girls in his class screamed in horror when she opened her card. Sadly that young girl is not educated in the ways of the Force.  Posted by Picasa

Valentine's Day Party at the Holts. Brendan and Lauren and their closest friends gathered to make cards, eat candy, drink juice, and destroy our home.  Posted by Picasa

Brendan painstakingly applies glue to each heart before affixing it to his card.  Posted by Picasa

Lauren enjoyed applying foam hearts and stickers to her cards. She became quite angry if the stickers were not presented swiftly to her. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Brian and Brendan enjoy an afternoon in the snow.  Posted by Picasa

Brendan loves playing out in the snow. This picture is through a window splattered with snow from a snowball he launched at me. Posted by Picasa

Brendan works on his activity book. He did not realize that everytime he thought about an answer, he placed the marker on his head. He had no idea his face was decorated. Posted by Picasa

Brendan whips a snowball at his dad. Posted by Picasa

Lauren dresses up in the Woody costume. Posted by Picasa

Lauren develops an attitude every time she slips into this coat. She tried to boss Brendan and me around for the entire afternoon. Posted by Picasa

Lauren experiments with her clothing -- she loves dressing up as a fireperson. She loves any outfit with a hat. Posted by Picasa

This is Brendan's half-hearted attempt to pretend he is shy of the camera. Posted by Picasa

Lauren piled up these pillows to watch the favorite men in her life -- The Wiggles. Posted by Picasa

Brendan resting after his fierce pachycephalosaurus defeated the small scale t. rex. Posted by Picasa

Lauren proudly poses in front of the mess she created. Posted by Picasa

Lauren's mullett. Posted by Picasa