Thursday, March 16, 2006

A Winter Weekend at the Cottage. The kids enjoyed a relaxing weekend up at Big Twin Lake. They played with their cottage toys, visited a neighborhood pub, and sledded in 60 degree weather.  Posted by Picasa

Grandma DuBay welcomes Brendan to the Hide-A-Way. He seemed to like the people and the atmosphere. Posted by Picasa

Hmm. Is that my son pointing a gun at a video game? No, it couldn't be. We don't allow rifles or other weaponry in our house. How does he know how to point and shoot? Brendan was thrilled that he could play with a "laser shooter". Posted by Picasa

Brendan is pointing to a picture of a man -- sans clothes -- on a snowmobile. Brendan thought it was "SO SILLY" . . .  Posted by Picasa

Lauren does not know how she feels about the Hide-A-Way bar. It was dark, loud, and Dan Dan the Coo Coo Man seemed to take an interest in her. This is her face after one of Dan's famous "Coo Coos". Posted by Picasa

Lauren and Grandpa DuBay enjoy some quiet book time.  Posted by Picasa

Brendan now is a seasoned sledder. He loved picking up speed. He didn't quite get the hang of steering, but he made it through the day. Posted by Picasa

Brendan enjoys another run. Posted by Picasa

Brian and kids head down the driveway. Brendan hopped onto the back of the sled and they quickly picked up steam. Posted by Picasa

Whoops. Brian and kids rammed into the cottage. No one was seriously injured in the taking of this photograph. Posted by Picasa

Lauren loved riding in her sled. Walking on snow was a little difficult and getting up after a fall was nearly impossible in her snow gear. Posted by Picasa

The kids enjoyed walking on the lake. Lauren may not have grasped the significance. Posted by Picasa

Brendan's By Myself Class. Brendan was thrilled to have me volunteer in his class. He was quite the gentleman. First, he made all of his classmates sing the welcome song to me. Next, he pulled out a carpet sqaure for me to sit on during circle time. Finally, he offered me a sip of his apple juice. His generosity waivered, however, when I asked for a Goldfish cracker. He took a bite out of one and told me I could have the other half.  Posted by Picasa

Brendan tries to figure out how to open a glue stick. His fine motor skills unfortunately match his mothers'. Posted by Picasa

Lauren thinks she is at least 4 years old, so she demands to go down the big kid slide. Luckily, there were no big kids to push her out of the way. Posted by Picasa

Brendan contemplates his next slide selection. Will it be the bouncy slide? The curvy one? No, no -- it'll be the one covered in snow. Posted by Picasa

Brendan celebrates our move over to the "big boy" playground.  Posted by Picasa

Another day at the park. While it was considerably colder at the playground, Lauren refused to keep her mittens on her hands.  Posted by Picasa

Lauren loves it when the "Tickle Monster" comes over to play. In a transparent move, Lauren positions herelf on the couch or ground and waits to be tickled. Posted by Picasa

Grandma DuBay stopped over to say "hi" to the kids. Brendan and Lauren cornered her and demanded she read to them.  Posted by Picasa

Quick as a cat, Lauren navigated the tunnel on the playground. She dared anyone -- child, parent alike -- to get in her way.  Posted by Picasa

Brendan loves the park, but he thinks he is too cool to be on the toddler toys. He wanted to be on the big kid toys.  Posted by Picasa

Fingerpainting at Home. While Lauren never likes her hands to be dirty, she embraced the fingerpaints. Brendan worked diligently on creating his masterpiece. He claimed it was a picture of a dinosaur with a light sabre.  Posted by Picasa

Look at the lovely dress Catherine is wearing. Oh wait, I MADE THIS DRESS! While it's a little roomy on my darling niece, she looks adorable in it. Posted by Picasa