Monday, November 20, 2006

Christmas Pictures 2006. (I'll add the best shot of the kids together after we mail out the cards.) Posted by Picasa

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Friday, November 10, 2006

This is Brian's favorite picture of Lauren these days.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Brendan shows off his Halloween bounty. Posted by Picasa

The kids think they are in heaven because each was allowed THREE pieces of candy. Posted by Picasa

The kids head over to the Jasky's home to trick or treat with Tyler and Austin. Posted by Picasa

The kids pose with our expertly crafted pumpkins. Brian created a Darth Vader, X- Wing Fighter and duck pumkin. The boring jack-o-latern was my design. Posted by Picasa

Lauren is ready to trick or treat. Posted by Picasa

One of Brendan's fierce Jedi moves. Posted by Picasa

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The Force is with these two. Posted by Picasa

Brendan & Lauren and Grandma & Grandpa DuBay. Posted by Picasa

Lauren loved her Princess Leia buns. She didn't want to take them out. Posted by Picasa

Lauren and Grandma. Posted by Picasa

Brendan, Lauren, Catherine and Grandma and Grandpa DuBay. Posted by Picasa

Brendan helps clean out his pumpkin. He was very thorough. Posted by Picasa

This is from Brian and Lauren's last swim class. Lauren loved spending time at the pool, library, and cookie store with Brian the last 8 weeks. Posted by Picasa

Lauren enjoys her dad's undivided attention. Posted by Picasa

For some unknown reason, Brendan and Lauren decided it would be funny to sit 5 feet away from Grandma and Grandpa DuBay for this shot. Posted by Picasa

Trick or Treating at Brian's Office. Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia joined the masses for a Halloween party. Posted by Picasa